Model United Nations at Rhodes

students practicing for model un
students practicing for model un

There are three main ways for Rhodes students to be involved with Model United Nations (or Model UN). 

The I.S. Department offers a one-credit, evening course (open to any major) where students simulate the proceedings of the U.N. General Assembly. In this simulation, students engage in rigorous debates on relevant topics of international importance, and seek to find common diplomatic ground. 

Rhodes students typically attend 1-2 national Model UN Conferences during an academic year. Typically, a small team of 6-12 Rhodes students will represent a country assigned to them by the conference organizers and debate with students from other colleges and universities.

For the past three decades, Rhodes has hosted the Mid-South Model United Nations Conference. Some 200 or more high school students from throughout the Mid-South region travel to Rhodes to participate in the region’s most competitive conference. Rhodes student participation at the MS-MUN Conference is responsible for creating all aspects of the conference, from providing creative the leadership, to organizing conference proceedings, to interacting with and mentoring the high school participants.

a student at model un
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